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The Safety Programs of the Veterans of Foreign Wars continue to provide and promote programs designed to safeguard our communities. This long-standing commitment to safety has evolved over the years to encompass every conceivable program or event associated with safeguarding individuals. The six fundamental categories within the National Program are as follows:
1. Highway Safety: Any activity aimed at enhancing individual driving skills and awareness, as well as activities associated with improving safety in vehicles and on roadways.
2. Pedestrian Safety: Any worthwhile activity intended to enhance individual awareness and visibility, as well as non-motorized vehicle riding skills, awareness, and responsibility.
3. Recreational Safety: Any organized activity associated with improving the skills and responsibilities of individuals engaged in recreational activities with children and adults.
4. Home/Fire Safety: Activities designed to promote and inform individuals within the community about safeguarding their homes, possessions, and lives. These activities are reportable.
5. Drug Awareness: Any program designed to inform and protect the community from the influence of substance abuse, including prescription drugs.
6. Recognition/Other: A program to acknowledge and honor the individuals within the community who dedicate their workdays to protecting the lives and property of others. Recognizing the heroism or safety achievements of individuals within the community.