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As esteemed members of the Military Order of the Cootie, recognized as the „Honor Degree of the Veterans of Foreign Wars of the United States," it is imperative that we bear in mind this esteemed affiliation as we diligently fulfill our roles as Cooties.
As dedicated representatives of the Honor Degree of the VFW, we must consistently set a precedent by exemplifying unwavering commitment to both the VFW and MOC. Our actions should reflect the highest levels of integrity in the execution of our duties. Let us always uphold the principle that „Anything Worth Doing, Is Worth Doing Right."
This commitment is particularly resonant for us at Lebkuchen Pup Tent #6, stationed in the Fertile Hunting Grounds of Europe in Erlangen, Germany. Through our collective efforts, we strengthen the bonds that tie us to the legacy of the Veterans of Foreign Wars, ensuring that our contributions resonate with the honor befitting our esteemed association.