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Department of Europe Convention 2023-2024

Blain Bertrand - 6/5/2024

This past weekend was the Department of Europe Convention where the Post Commander, Post Adjutant and Post Assistant Adjutant attended to say farewell to our Department Commander 2023-2024 Mark Primmer, who has done an excellent job. We thank him for his leadership and dedication to the VFW community. We also are welcoming in our new Department Commander 2024-2025, Dwight Johnson, and wish him all the success in the coming year. Dwight is a past member of our post, so we are very proud to have him as our commander. Also we are honored to welcome new District 3 Commander, Jessie Williamson and Department as well as District Chaplain Bryan Eddington both from Post 3885 to their new positions. Very proud to have our post involved in very respected positions.